American Samoa Islands (xGEOID20A)
Authors: Y.M. Wang, et al.
Created: 2020
Resp: Y.M. Wang
The American Samoa Islands gravimetric geoid extends from 10°S to 16°S and from 174°W to 167°W with a spatial resolution of 1'x1'. The geoid heights are referred to the GRS80 ellipsoid in the IGS08 (epoch 2005.0) reference frame. Since no airborne gravity data are included into the model, only the xGEOID20A solution is available for the American Samoa Islands. Further information can be found in the webpage of the xGEOID20 solution for North America - Pacific.
Y.M. Wang, J. Saleh, X. Li, D.R. Roman (2012). The U.S. Gravimetric Geoid of 2009 (USGG2009): Model Development and Evaluation. Journal of Geodesy, 86(3), pp. 165-180. DOI: 10.1007/s00190-011-0506-7
X. Li, K. Ahlgren, R. Hardy, J. Krcmaric, Y.M. Wang (2019). The Development and Evaluation of the Experimental Gravimetric Geoid Model 2019. Technical Report, NOAA/National Geodetic Survey.
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