Sweden (SWEN17_RH70)
Authors: J. Ågren, T. Kempe, L. Jivall
Created: 2017
Resp: J. Ågren
SWEN17_RH70 is a Swedish height correction model that has been computed by adapting the Nordic/Baltic gravimetric quasigeoid
model NKG2015 to the Swedish three-dimensional reference system SWEREF 99 (ETRS89 realization) and to the old Swedish height
system RH 70. It is referred to the GRS80 ellipsoid and extends from 54°N to 74°N and from 10°E to 25°E with a grid spacing of
0.6' x 1.2'. The model has been computed from the model SWEN17_RH2000 by taking care of the difference between the Swedish height
systems RH 2000 and RH 70. The model includes permanent tide and postglacial land uplift corrections, as well as an interpolated
smooth representation of the Swedish GNSS/levelling residuals. See the description of SWEN17_RH2000 for more details.
J. Ågren , C. Kempe, L. Jivall (2018). Noggrann
höjdbestämning med den nya nationella geoidmodellen SWEN17_RH2000 (in Swedish). Presented at the conference Kartdagarna, 20-22 March 2018,
Linköping, Sweden.
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