Slovenia (SLO-VRP2016/Koper)
Authors: O.C.D. Omang, K. Medved
Created: 2016
Resp: K. Medved
The SLO-VRP2016/Koper quasi-geoid model is the latest height reference surface for Slovenia, referred to the GRS80 ellipsoid. The acronym means SLOvenska Višinska Referenčna Ploskev iz leta 2016, datum Koper (translated in English, Slovenian Height Reference Surface from the year 2016, datum Koper). It was computed by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, in cooperation with the Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket). The model is based on a set of old terrestrial gravity data (origin from Yugoslavia, from 1956-75), a set of new Slovenian gravity data (along levelling lines and regional gravimetric survey, from 2000 to 2015) and sets from neighboring countries (Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia), altogether 16.400 points in the mean-tide system. Stokes/Molodensky equations and the Fast Fourier transform technique have been applied with use of global geopotential model EGM2008. The computed quasi-geoid surface was adapted (fitted) to 66 high quality GNSS/levelling points, which were fairly distributed throughout the territory of Slovenia. Therefore, the resulting quasi geoid model can be used to perform the conversion between ellipsoidal heights (Slovenian realization of ETRS89 - D96, GRS80 ellipsoid) and normal heights (Slovenian Height System 2010 - SVS2010 with Koper tide gauge). The SLO_VRP2016/Koper model is given in the form of a regular grid, with resolution of 30” × 45”, within the limits of 13° < λ < 17° (east of Greenwich) and 45° < φ < 47° (north of the equator). In this area geoid heights range between 42.157 m and 50.608 m, with an average of 46.162 m. The inner accuracy of the calculated geoid heights is 2.6 cm, the outer accuracy (based on 871 control GNSS/levelling measurements along levelling lines) is up to 10 cm.
Model Citation:
O.C.D. Omang, K. Medved (2016). The Slovenian hybrid quasi-geoid: SLO-VRP2016/Koper. V. 1.0. GFZ Data Services. DOI: 10.5880/isg.2016.001
O.C.D. Omang (2016). Geoid of Slovenia 2016 (Final report). Norwegian Mapping Authority (not published)
B. Koler, B. Stopar, O. Sterle, T. Urbančič, K. Medved (2019). Nov slovenski višinski sistem SVS2010 [New Slovenian Height System SVS2010]. Geodetski vestnik, 63(1), pp. 27-40. DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2019.01.27-40
K. Medved, K. Kozmus Trajkovski, S. Berk, B. Stopar, B. Koler (2020). Uvedba novega slovenskega višinskega sistema (SVS2010) [Implementation of the New Slovenian Height System (SVS2010)]. Geodetski vestnik, 64(1), pp. 33-42. DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2020.01.33-42
Web of Science ID:
Digital object identifier:
DOI:10.5880/isg.2016.001 (quasi-geoid in ISG format)