QGF16 is a gravimetric quasi-geoid model covering mainland France. More specifically, it covers the area 42° < lat < 51.5°, -5.5° < lon < 8.5°, with a
grid spacing of 1.5' in latitude and 2' in longitude. The reference ellipsoid is GRS80. The model was computed by the remove-restore technique, using
875,661 values of terrestrial and marine gravity anomalies. The reference global gravity model was EGM2008 up to degree and order 720. The used digital
terrain model was BDTopo of the IGN (30 m resolution) for the terrestrial part of mainland France, SRTM for terrestrial parties abroad, and Sandwell for
the marine part. The quasi-geoid QGF16 was calculated by the Stokes method using an integration radius of 2°. The model was assessed by comparing it with
the GPS/levelling points of the ERNIT program, showing residuals with a standard deviation of 6.7 cm after detrending.
F. L'Ecu (2017). Calcul du quasi-géoïde QGF16 et de la grille de
conversion altimétrique RAF16 état d’avancement et perspectives. Revue XYZ, 150, pp. 49-51
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