The JGEOID93 model is the first gravimetric geoid for Japan of the Geographical Survey Institute ( It is referred to the GRS80 ellipsoid in the ITRF89 frame. The used surface gravity data consisted of about 38000 measurements on land and about 480000 at sea. The used reference global geopotential model is OSU91A up to degree and order 360. The geoid model, with a spatial resolution of 3'x3', has been then computed by applying a remove-restore procedure and by using a spherical single-band 2D-FFT method over the whole area simultaneously. The geoid has been compared with five networks of GPS/levelling to evaluate the errors in both long and short wavelengths. After removing the best estimated tilt errors, the uncertainty of the geoid in short wavelengths is 8.6 cm for the area of up to about 400x600 km2.
Y. Kuroishi (1995). Precise Gravimetric Determination of Geoid in the Vicinity of Japan. Bulletin of the Geographical Survey Institute, 41, pp. 1-93.
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