The Canadian Geoid Model CGG2000 has been developed at the
Geodetic Survey Division of Natural Resource Canada
( This gravimetric model extends from 20°N to
84°N and from 10°W to 170°W with a grid spacing of 2'. It is computed
using the fast-fourier transform (FFT)
with a modified spheroidal (degree:
30, cap: 6°) Stokes kernel, as well as
the remove-restore technique. In
particular the global gravity model is
EGM96 up to degree and order 360, it
defines the long wavelengths up to
degree 30 and its coefficients from
degree 31 to 360 contribute to the
shorter wavelengths of the gravity
field outside the six-degree
integration cap. The Digital Elevation
Model (DEM) for Canada is from
provincial and federal sources; for
the USA (including Alaska) the
original version of the Digital
Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) is used
again in CGG2000 as it was used in
GSD95; for Greenland the DEM and the
ice thickness model are provided by
KMS; finally, the elevations for the
rest of the world are obtained from
GTOPO30. The geodetic reference system
is NAD83. The geoid model is validated
using GPS/levelling data, showing
differences with a mean of -36.1 cm
and a standard deviation of 22.5 cm, which goes down to 8.7 cm after filtering out systematic errors.
M. Veronneau (2001). The Canadian
Gravimetric Geoid Model of 2000 (CGG2000). Report
of Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa.
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